In the year 906, an Irish fisherman in a tiny boat called a 'coracle' got washed out to sea. By great fortune he'd loaded up the vessel with food. 56 days later, he 'discovered' America. He wrote details of this expedition down on planks of wood which were discovered in 2013.
Napoleon was enormous. 6 ft 9 inches tall. After his death, his detractors removed all traces of this great size from history. They also recommissioned major works of art to illustrate a much smaller version of him, thinking that it was easier to hate.
Grasshoppers powerful rear legs are not in fact legs. Their correct name is: hunfrigomantioptimapulia. Nobody uses this term though as it's significantly more difficult to spell than 'legs' and means exactly the same thing.
The fact that the letter M can stand for miles and meters led to the last minute cancellation of the 100m sprint during the Paris Olympics of 1900. Concerns about the "exorbitant cost" of track construction had been completely ignored.
Celery is neither vegetable nor fruit. In Linnaean taxonomy it occupies a branch called "mangibles". The only other things on this branch are turnips and bison.
The Higgs boson sub-atomic particle is so small that if you lined up 100 million of them they would be smaller than 100 million larger particles.